Pertanggungjawaban Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pembuatan Dan Pemalsuan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) Sebagai Syarat Daftar Pekerjaan Di PT. GGP Humas Jaya

Gracemark Chrissaulita Panjaitan, Lukmanul Hakim, Ansori Ansori


The criminal act of counterfeiting is a form of crime that is quite widely committed by the community with or without a tool, because in today's modern era, technological advances are increasingly rapid which can support criminals so that it is easier to commit a crime of forgery or fraud. A person is said to have committed a criminal act, if his act is proven to be a criminal act as stipulated in the applicable criminal laws and regulations. However, someone who has been proven to have committed a criminal act cannot always be sentenced to a crime. This is because in criminal liability, it is not only seen from the actions, but also seen from the element of guilt. Criminal liability is a legal mechanism in which every person who commits a crime or violates the law, as defined in the law, must be held accountable for his actions according to his mistakes. The term criminal law has a plural meaning. In criminal law the concept of responsibility is a central concept known as the teaching of error. Certificate of Police Records (SKCK) is a letter or record evidence from the Police Agency through Security Intelligence units (Intelkam) regarding a person's track record or history in the criminal field which explains whether or not a person has committed a crime.


Criminal Liability, SKCK, Counterfeiting

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